Your smile’s best friend

Brooke Weber, Award-Winning Cosmetologist

BW Beauty is here to help people smile with confidence and find the joy in self-expression.

Everything I do is guided by a commitment to science, the expertise of dental experts, and ethical practices, and I hope to empower everyone to embrace their unique beauty. With a focus on safety, quality, and accessible self-care, I want to inspire self-love, one smile at a time. And I’d love to help you!

BW Beauty exists because I understand one thing very clearly: and that is that you want a more confident smile - and you want that without any hassle or discomfort. And more than that? You deserve to shine with a smile you love.


Started in 2015, BW Beauty began as a vision to bring confidence through self-care and self-love, and now I stand as a trusted name in dental aesthetics.

The services and products you'll find here at BW Beauty are all driven by my dedication to safety, dental-office quality, and a passion for empowering you with a smile that reflects your inner beauty.

BW Beauty was started in 2015 with the goal of making people smile through the gift of self-love and self-confidence. I'm now a 6x award-winning cosmetologist and am proud to have made BW Beauty a reputable name known for trustworthy service and happy clients.

In 2022, I partnered with dental specialists in Ontario, Canada to follow my passion and expand my expertise in dental cosmetics. My goal is to boost and encourage self-love and give you the smile you've always wanted to help you feel more confident.

Quality You Can Trust

I believe that when it comes to your dental health, nothing less than the best will do. That's why I’ve teamed up with amazing Canadian dental professionals who are experts in their field, ensuring that each product and service meets the highest standards, backed by a scientific foundation you can trust.

When you choose BW Beauty, you're choosing the collective knowledge and dedication of dental professionals and a cosmetologist who prioritize your well-being, results, and happiness. Because I believe that you deserve a confident smile that's cared for by the best.

Accessible Transformations

Say goodbye to the days when getting a brighter, more confident smile meant complicated processes or unattainable costs. BW Beauty's at-home teeth whitening products are designed to seamlessly integrate into your life, so the transformation is not only effective but also hassle-free.

These products have combined innovation and convenience so that you can get a smile you love with ease. They're made to be user-friendly, so you can experience professional-quality results in the comfort of your own space. No need for appointments or hefty costs – I’ve made sure that getting your dream smile is as accessible as it is effective.

Ethical Beauty

As an animal lover, I couldn't imagine creating products that cause harm to our earth or the animals that we live alongside. That's why every product I offer is cruelty-free and vegan. It's an act of kindness that stems from the belief that nothing should compromise values or the lives of innocent beings.

I am dedicated to sourcing only the finest, ethically-derived products that stand against animal testing and emraces a vegan approach to beauty. When you choose BW Beauty, you're making a compassionate choice – one that resonates with the love for animals and our planet.